What's my element?

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What's my element?
Post # 1
Hey, I'm new here and I don't know how to find out which element I belong to... Anyone know how to help?
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Re: What's my element?
Post # 2
Meditate on it, and ask the universe.
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Re: What's my element?
Post # 3
Three schools of thought:

You don't have an element, you are part of all of them.

Your 'element' is the one you feel closest too.

Your element is determined by your astrological sign.

* Understand that knowing your element is interesting, but it rarely amounts to much outside of your personal belief.
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Re: What's my element?
Post # 4
In my experience, it is not something set in stone, and most humans do have a bit of all four in them. The element that they represent simply represents the correspondence of their soul, or their godform, or something else.

And these can be more than one element, and they can fluctuate and change. Sometimes, though not always, one may turn more towards one. Sometimes that can stay forever, sometimes that can change, sometimes it's more than one. Sometimes it's tied to astrological factors, sometimes they're tetrapolar.

Depends on the individual. Different strokes for different people. Everyone has different experiences, and beliefs
after all.
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Re: What's my element?
Post # 5
I would say that you would go by your Zodiac sign. I am a Cancer, my element is Water, Metal, Silver.
What sign are you?
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Re: What's my element?
Post # 6
There's several ways that you can find your element :) The way I was taught was which direction do you prefer your alter in? With me, it's almost always been east or north.

Another way is to meditate and decide which elements - specifically what alter tools - you feel most comfortable handling. Again, with me it was either North or East.

It took at least a year for me to figure out what element I most represented. Good luck in your search! And don't be in a rush to figure out what is you :)
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Re: What's my element?
Post # 7
Find the element you have a strong pull for....it might match who you are as a person...it can be your birth element but it is totally up to you because it doesn't have to be your birth element.

My birth element is earth...but i like fire.
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