Casting 2 spells in 1 day

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Casting 2 spells in 1 day
Post # 1
I want to cast a love spell and a forgiveness spell tonight. Will they interfere with one another? Should I do one tonight and one tomorrow? How long should I wait? I really want to do them as soon as possible.
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Re: Casting 2 spells in 1 day
By: / Novice
Post # 2
so long as you have the energy and focus you can do two in one night. if you could wait it might help [depending on the specifics of the spell] as many believe the moon can effect the natural flow of energy and benifit certain spells. a spell to attract thing should be done when the moon is waxing. spells to send things away are best on the waning moon [which is the current phase] perhaps a forgiveness spell would be better in the waning phase as you wish to take the negative emotions away, but you wish to draw them closer, so either or. the love spell is meant to draw new love towards you? this one is best done a little later. [but again, it all comes down to personal preference. if you feel like tonights best, go for it]
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Re: Casting 2 spells in 1 day
Post # 3
Thank you so much. I'm a little new to this. Do you think the two spells will affect each other?
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Re: Casting 2 spells in 1 day
By: / Novice
Post # 4
nope. if it was something like a wealth spell and a misfortune spell for the same person i would say yes, but spells don't usually contradict each other, the problem is when you cast too many around the same time which could cause one to have less energy than another, you drain your own energy by accident, don't focus correctly for all of them, or can't determine which spell specifically worked. this is why many people would limit their casting. if you are new, you might consider casting only one a moon cycle so you can observe the full effect [if any] and record any result. that way you can pick out which spell works, and how spells feel. casting too many will make it difficult to pinpoint and improve spellwork.
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