Hi I'm me and I need help

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Hi I'm me and I need help
Post # 1
My grandfather told me yesterday that my grandmother was a witch what are the signs of being a witch and could I be one I am really confused!
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Re: Hi I'm me and I need help
Post # 2
Did he mean witch as magic user or witch as awful person? Yes I know these are your grandparents, however you need to understand his concept of the term.

There are no signs of being a witch. Anyone can be a witch is they are willing to learn about magic and to practice it.
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Re: Hi I'm me and I need help
Post # 3
Being a Witch is more a way of life then something that's passed down like hair color, height, etc.. Anyone can choose to be a witch and practice witchcraft so, if you want to be one you just need to do your research and begin your path.
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Re: Hi I'm me and I need help
By: / Novice
Post # 4

Being a witch is not something that is passed down through families, it is a title given to yourself (if you choose) when you practice witchcraft. If your grandmother was a witch is was not because she was born one, it was because she practiced witchcraft, for you to be a witch you would also need to practice witchcraft.

That being said some talents or gifts can be passed on through families, this may be what your grandfather is talking about.

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Re: Hi I'm me and I need help
Post # 5
He ment like a caster witch
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Re: Hi I'm me and I need help
Post # 6
It is true all the first born females in my family seem to have dreams that can see what will happen in the future. Why would this happen?
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Re: Hi I'm me and I need help
Post # 7

Some people do have premonitions. However, there is no evidence showing that any psychic abilities are genetic, so I would chalk up the dreams to coincidence. Also, psychic abilities have nothing to do with being a witch. While it's true that some witches purposefully work to develop such abilities, people born with natural psychic abilities are not necessarily witches, and witches aren't always psychic.

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Re: Hi I'm me and I need help
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8

Hereditary Tradition is a thing, don't let anyone else to you otherwise - it comes down to belief. It has been a long standing idea that 'being a witch' is something that is passed down through families.

Not a lot of people believe in hereditary tradition anymore because it doesn't sound inclusive, there is also a belief which ties into this that people have more of a natural talent for magic - like naturally good at throwing a ball or understanding math - it's just part of who you are.

But, ultimately, it's down to your beliefs and beliefs have no fact tied to it besides what you experience.

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Re: Hi I'm me and I need help
Post # 9
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Introduce Yourself.
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