
Forums ► Misc Topics ► Anxious
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Post # 1
Hi. Has the Law of Attraction been known to drive people crazy?? Like someone who has OCD and rumination?
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Re: Anxious
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Welcome.
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Re: Anxious
Post # 3
I've kind of been driven crazy lately... Mostly from loneliness but also the synchronicities and this ascension stuff in general. But what I find interesting is that I've had the biggest existential crisis I've ever had and it happened to take place right between this full moon and this solstice eclipse thing.
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Re: Anxious
By: / Novice
Post # 4
it can indeed when you take things too far. i do believe you can attract certain things into your life [say you keep telling yourself 'i'm going to be late!' and suddenly you can't find your key's, you shoelace broke and you hit all the red lights on your way there] but i know some people who refuse to see anything negative and that really bugs me. i'm not saying put a positive spin on everything [though that can get annoying for me] i mean someone dies, a car got stolen, or your loved one is critically sick they just go 'everything happens for a reason' and ignore the sorrow. a positive attitude can help in some situations, but life is a balancing act, you need lows, you need highs, in those moments you shouldn't downplay them or everything becomes even and blech.

@ Marissa look up 'Mercury Retrograde'. the believe that the stars/planets/moon can effect ones life is an interesting one [with some facts, studies show more crazy on full moons] a few years back i learned about Mercury Retrograde, i thought it was interesting, but then i started observing things and now while i don't hide under my bed crying 'it's retrograde!' i do keep an eye out for certain things. [it can effect a lot of stuff negatively, but there are a few ways to work the energy to your advantage.]
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