Beginner and a sound

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Beginner and a sound
Post # 1
I'd like to know, when do i know if a spell worked, how long before a spell works and how to open and close a circle. Also, how long will a spell last? like a love spell or so... would i have to repeat the spell every month or is it for eternity?

I paid james @ $30 to help me... which i don't know if he did... but only because i was afraid to do it myself...

either way, i KNOW i could do it... but the problem is, I can't have an "altar" in my home...

i've casted one spell before and that night, even though i was asleep, i felt a "swoosh" near my ear which woke me up for a second... it felt like wind through a open window, but it couldn't have been... it happened to me a second time after that... is that a good thing or a bad thing? has anyone else ever felt that "swoosh"?
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Re: Beginner and a sound
Post # 2
the wya i see it is you got ripped off '

and you can mayeb sense spells working?
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Re: Beginner and a sound
Post # 3

One doesn't need an altar to do spells. I rarely use mine because it kinda gets in the way in the circle but that is just my preference.

Love spells can be tricky. They should never be cast on a particular person because that is messing with their free will. Very bad idea. You could cast a love spell to attract a love into your life, but do not specify who or what. Or you can cast one on your self to become more lovable (I don't think that you need that lol).

A spell works if you believe so. It shouldn't take very long but that depends on correspondences and the phases of the moon which can speed up or slow down a spell working or even make it not work at all.

I really don't mean to bag you out but there are a lot of people out there who charge for magickal services and just make a profit from you. Magick should be for free and not sold to the highest bidder.

I go to for a lot of my spells. Puzuzu is really good and they are for free and require you to do them as this makes them more powerful, accurate and personal.

The "swoosh" thing could have been a kind of spirit. I don't know too much on that. Can you give a more detailed description?
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Re: Beginner and a sound
Post # 4
Eartstag that is a very good description and I agree completely.

Love spells should not be used on anyone specific as it does interfere with their free will, also it comes back to you 3fold.

Thank you for the sites, I will look them up.
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Re: Beginner and a sound
Post # 5
i felt a swossh near my ear but it wasnt like a swoosh it was more of a kind of blow like someone blowing in your ear and i thought it was a spirit because it woke me up instantly and there was no one there, it was kinda creepy
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Re: Beginner and a sound
Post # 6
yes! like a bit of wind blowing in my ear. that's what it was, sounding like a "sssswoooosh." lol

but your answers helped a lot so far.

the spell i casted i kind of made up myself. i just wanted more harmony in my current relationship, because we were argueing a lot... i'd say it worked, but not as i expected of course... maybe i was a little too dreamy and naive ... but i always know not to do something against someone's will and yes i am very afraid of the threefold and karma...

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Re: Beginner and a sound
Post # 7
i say just do a reverse spell spell. and i also know how to cast a circle. and i also have to ask... did you ask your boyfriend if he wanted the spell?
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Re: Beginner and a sound
Post # 8
yeah that is good that you understand about the three fold!
The swosh can be of many things, it could be passing spirits or the ones that you called upon that helped you to do your spells also I work a lot with angels and I often feel their presence, it feels like I have a hair on me that is lose but their isnt! Also I often feel the light breeze of them or spirits passing me, or they tend to at times make your hairs stand on end!
hope this helps.
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