Accepting Apprentices!

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Accepting Apprentices!
Post # 1
I know im only 16 but i have alot of knoeledge of the craft.I am accepting only Five people.Currently i have one.All you have to e-mail me is your abilities and experiance.Easy as pie!
Sor apply now.I want to see who will really apply and further their education of the craft
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Re: Accepting Apprentices!
Post # 2
ello ill be an apprentice if u want ?
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Re: Accepting Apprentices!
Post # 3
lol cant wait to get started
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Re: Accepting Apprentices
Post # 4
srry to say but ive already done this but aslong as i get to teach to im in
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Re: Accepting Apprentices!
Post # 5
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Re: Accepting Apprentices!
Post # 6
I'd like to become an apprentice because I'm very new to the art of Magick, and would greatly appretiate any and all help on casting, as well as the art in General.
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