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Post # 1
How can inget my crystal to work ,its a palm stone quartz clear,i need it to activate.
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Re: activation/initiation
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2

Crystals naturally emmit their energy, you don't need to activate them, but if they are new a cleanse can be useful to remove unwated energies.

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Re: activation/initiation
Post # 3

if i need to charge a quartz with specific intentioni 'tune into' the crystal through meditation, and then tell the crystal what is needed.

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Re: activation/initiation
Post # 4

Just to be clear, you really don't have to do any of this, this is what I do with my crystals and stones and various magickal/spiritual items I want to work with. These are my personal beliefs and how I go about things :)

I don't feel there is much need to 'activate' crystals, as they vibrate with their own energy already.I like to cleanse my crystals and stones first, and then bond with them.By cleansing I will either pass sage smoke over them, or bury them in the yard near a healthy plant for a few days.

Once I feel it is cleansed I move onto bonding (for lack of a better word) with the crystal or stone. By bonding, in a basic sense I mean to share energy with it. To do this I carry it around with me in a pocket or a little satchel, or if I am able to wrap it in wire and hang it from a cord to wear like a necklace. Like was already mentioned, I also like to meditate while holding the cyrstal. For me, while I meditate I will focus on the crystal, visualize it in my mind and work on the crystal becoming my singular thought. Once I have achieved that (which isn't always a quick thing to do), I visualize the energy that is within my body to move into and sometimes through the crystal I am holding. If there is a specific use for it, I will put those intentions into it at this point.

There are also ways to charge a crystal or stone. Many do it by putting their crystals or stones outside during a full moon, therby charging it with the Moon's energy. Others leave them out in the Sun for much the same purpose only using the Sun's energy. There really are all kinds of ways to charge and cleanse crystals and stones. Perhaps give it a google and see what reasonable methods sound best to you :)

Again these are my own beliefs and my ways of going about things.

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