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Post # 1
Hi! I'm Selehbe Raenshoare (pronounced Say-eh-vay Wi-ane-sko-i-ray.) That's my past life name, and I intend to keep it that way. Do you believe in reincarnation? If so, what are your beliefs, and what are your experiences? :D I love this topic!
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Re: Reincarnation?
Post # 2
In my belief of Vajrayana Buddhism, reincarnation is a cycle of rebirth and death until one reaches Nirvana/awakening. When the realization that all things are illusions and that deities are nothing but the creation of the mind, one is free from samsara. However, even though enlightenment is reached, more serious practitioners follow the Dzogchen path of obtaining the "Rainbow Phowa Body" which is what it sounds like, becoming a body of light and rainbows while the body is no longer needed and dissolves. This phenomena can be found in many records both ancient and modern of dead masters' corpses shrinking to a small pile and a rainbow being seen. However, the only known person who accomplished this while being alive was Guru Rinpoche.
In the Buddhist belief, there is no creator. All things form from endless karma that rises and comes again and again with no end. The reaching of enlightenment is simply to end the karma and become one with other enlightened beings to end reincarnation and suffering. However, karma keeps on coming back and affects reincarnation from either being reborn as a person of low caste, an animal, an insect, in one of the many hells, in the paradise of either Akshobhya, Amitabha, or Medicine Buddha, a type of spirit, a deity, or many other things. Of course this is the Vajrayana Buddhist belief.
However, the thing I find questionable is how do you even know your past life name? That kind of is a bit strange, especially since scrying for past lives doesn't reveal name nor year. Please tell the truth unless you found the name by one of those New Age "meditation retreats" or whatever they do.
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Re: Reincarnation?
Post # 3

Hi SelehbeR, I do believe in reincarnation although not in the same manner as in Budhism. For instance, I don't believe every soul's destiny is enlightnment. I believe some of us are destined for darkness and some for light, to keep the balance in existence. However, that is not the same to say that there are bad guys and heroes, I think thaht the duality light-darkness exists in everyone in different proportions.

As regard previous life names, I have had names from two different reincanations revealed to me. The first was revealed through two different, unconnected persons, and the story behind the name was coincident in both their versions (here I must add that this happen in two different ocassions, years appart). And the other name came to me in dreams.

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Re: Reincarnation?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
i believe in reincarnation, but i believe each lifetime is a new learning experience for our spirit to learn and go through new things. clinging to a past life is to miss out on the current [the one that matters in this moment] i also believe we are not always reincarnated human, we could become a tree, a cat, a whale, anything. while interesting, you shouldn't fixate on the past.
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Re: Reincarnation?
Post # 5
I had to create a new account.

I know my past life name due to a lot, a lot of research, meditation, and help. It took years, but I found it. I am happy to have found it, too.
I love finding out about past lives. It's such an interesting topic to me. I was once told by an old friend that people have a sort of "spirit family." It follows you through your lifetimes. I'd like to see if I can find my spirit family.
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Re: Reincarnation?
Post # 6

I agree with what Nekoshema says. As we come to this world to achieve some goal, it may not be beneficial to keep attached to past lives, that includes spirit families.

At the same time, in my own experience, I know that the things I remember, and the things that had been brought in one way or another to me from my previous lives, are related to unacomplished things that I have to revise in this life.

But in my opinion, if you know how to use it, knowledge about your past errors could be useful.

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