Hello, I'm Jaxies

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Hello, I'm Jaxies
Post # 1

Hey, I am Jaxie.. I am learning how to read Tarot Cards I have Giant Rider-Waite Tarot Deck cards, please PM me if you would like to help me :3

I love Music ( All types)

My favorite colors are Gold,Black,Pink,Yellow,and white

Also, I'm from California ..

Hope I can learn and make friends!

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Re: Hello, I'm Jaxies
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Greetings and welcome to the site!

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Re: Hello, I'm Jaxies
Post # 3

Welcome Jaxies, I would recomend clicking on the Newbie Central tab in the home page to gets started, Have a good day. ^^

And May the Sun be with you

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Re: Hello, I'm Jaxies
Post # 4
Hello and Welcome to Spells of Magic, enjoy your stay with us and best of luck on your journey in finding your path
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Re: Hello, I'm Jaxies
Post # 5
Hi and welcome
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Re: Hello, I'm Jaxies
Post # 6
Hi Jaxie, welcome to Spells of magic, I'm also a bit new here
There are articles to read to get started~
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