Book of spells

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Book of spells
Post # 1
Hey guys...Is somebody know a book of spells?With real spells and other magic things.I"m searching a book like that but,I don"t find one so...I want to know if theese books are real or,I just waste my time!!
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Re: Book of spells
Post # 2
a book of spells, like a book of shadows? many ppl have them.
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Re: Book of spells
Post # 3
Try amazon.
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Re: Book of spells
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Scott Cunningham has a few good spell books. One of my favorites is Spell Crafts. I also like his Magical Aromatherapy and Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. I miss him so, but Halloween is just around the corner I believe I will invite him to my dead dinner.
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Re: Book of spells
Post # 5
Thanks guys,this informations will really help me!!!
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