Last night I tried to conjure the snowstorm that didn't seem to be coming(it never snows here). I filled a glass with WAY too much ice imagining the snow falling here. Of course there was already a snowstorm forecasted, but I imagined I was giving it a push.
I'm sorry, I don't believe in magic and after reading one of the "spells," I had the notion that this site is perhaps akin to a children's game at a sleepover.
There are covens on this site that allow any member of that coven to post spells in the spell books. However, not all of those people have a clue what magic really is or how it really works. This site is not set up for the deletion of spells after they have been submitted, therefore bad spells remain.
Your skepticism is understandable. Many people do not believe in magic even after seeing it. The over culture, that of science and monotheistic religion, has trained us to not believe in such things as it doesn't fit their world view. (That's my opinion) If you are interested, look to our general information section for the threads that have been stuck to the top. They contain information that will help you to learn magic, or to at least understand it in the way that we do.
Skepticism is okay you are new to magic and that is understandable, there are incredible covens here with awesome leaders so take your time explore everything and find out whether or not magic is for you or not.
Also shouldn't this thread be in miscellaneous topics section
Source, your skepticism is completely justified. There is so much misinformation out there, even on this site.
Magic is defined as -- most simply -- change in accordance with will. A lot of traditions focus on internal change rather than external.
There are already plenty medical studies demonstrating the effectiveness of meditation, showing medical benefits in general, and other benefits from specific types of meditations. A lot of practitioners of magic will suggest meditation is the place to start with any magical practice, and that is one of the places where science backs up the claims with proof.
Another thing to consider is the psychological model of magic. Not only does this support the 'inner change' aspect of many traditions, it demonstrates a link:
There are aspects of psychology which come from traditions of magic. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy uses many aspects which are shared with magical practices, such as journaling daily meditations, dreams moods, and the like; it also incorporates a lot of similar practices, including meditation and internal (emotional) exploration.
Now on from that side to your experience:
Weather-related magic is a very debatable topic. Personally, I believe it is highly unlikely to work. The sheer amount of thermal energy involved is more than any human could counter with the meager electrical impulses of their nervous system.
Magic must obey the laws of physics. Changing the weather with thoughts and prayers is beyond the laws of physics.
It's the same with levitation, whether of one's self or another person or object; with generating fireballs, setting things on fire with the mind; with changing eye color, growing new limbs, changing gender, or becoming a different species, in part or in whole: It completely defies the way physics, genetics, and physiology work. These things and sorts of things (as I cannot list all of the crazy ideas people have) do not work.
Magic is all about your personal beliefs, and due to modern entertainment through movies, books, and TV shows, there are a lot of misconceptions about what magic is and what it isn't and how it is seen. We all have that spark inside of us, and skepticism is healthy, but believing helps to, but like others have mentioned, there are just some things that magic can't do because of the natural laws of the universe.
I've had many experiences with magic that tell me it is all real and still at times doubt it all. Being skeptic about magic is as normal as being skeptic about people, it part of how reasoning mind. As for trying to control the weather, no one on earth has the power to do that, maybe in an infinitesimal way but still no. It's like trying to create an eclipse using a spell. You have to understand what is and isn't possible with magic.