How to find spellcaster

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How to find spellcaster
Post # 1
Hello, how does one find genuine spell caster and not scam artist. I lost few hundred dollars on fake casters on fiverr because I was and am very desperate. Is there a directory or website that has real spell casters and healers with real reviews?
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Re: How to find spellcaster
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
The best advice I can give is just be observant. I do not trust anyone selling their services but some sites just scream scam just by looking at them. If they have a review page the reviews can seem generic or identical, the ads can be overbearing, and some spellcasters claim to offer the impossible. They are mortals not gods so if they offer you something improbably or impossible they are scamming you. One way to know it is a scam is if they claim it will work 100% as magick is not that exact especially when done by a 3rd party. I would suggest you tread carefully and in reality I would suggest you just not pay anyone to cast a spell for you.
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Re: How to find spellcaster
Post # 3
I am new here and I really don't want to screw things up. I have had spells casted but to be honest not sure if it was casted or a hoax. One was a scammer for sure and I am still dealing with it. But, how do I know if the spell was casted and will it hurt if I tried one myself or found someone that was real? Not to mention how do I find someone that is real? PLEASE HELP
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Re: How to find spellcaster
Post # 4
I am in the same boat
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Re: How to find spellcaster
By: / Novice
Post # 5

Spells, are something you yourself can do. A lot of "spellcasters" cost so much money, sometimes over 300$. I would never pay for something I can do. You can always make a spell or find a spell on here or from another person on here.

Also, please be aware make the spell is realistic, a lot of the time people who are new to magick seem to tumble on the "fluff" side of spell casting which is mostly changing your self into a spiritual creature such dragons, fairies, etc... I'll be linking threads that offer help with spellcasting & magic. I also recommend doing some studying on protection magick, since it's good to protect yourself and your space whatever you're casting.

The Basics expanded :

The Elements:


Studying Tips and Advice :

Pointers on spells :

How to write a spell:

Trouble Shooting Spells:

Also, don't forget you don't need any fancy tools in order to cast a spell, however, some do believe that when you're casting with magical items it can make it more powerful. So, you don't be scared that you have to buy anything all you need is yourself.

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Re: How to find spellcaster
Post # 6

Hey! While I don't truly believe you can find someone online who will be able to cast a realistic spell for you, there are a few other options!

First of all, I suggest if you can, go into a local metaphysical shop and ask questions. While this site is good it can't really compare to actually feling an energy for yourself or face to face communication.

Second of all, you can find shops online that you can buy sell bags/satchets from, say a dream bag or a healing bag. What's in it depends on the seller. Although i do suggets you try making one yourself. You can also find places online that will do sigil commissions, just type that into your search bar and something should come up.

It's true you can do these things yourself, but if you're nervous or want to help support an artist these are pretty fun.

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Re: How to find spellcaster
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Honestly, I can understand the desperation many feel in that they need someone with more experience to help them cast. Most that charge a small fee only do so for materials if needed. The ones that charge a large fee are using their skills for profit, which some will state is wrong while others will state it is a means of making a living.

When it comes down to it, most on here will probably agree that any spell you write yourself will be more powerful then anything you could pay someone to do for you. I understand if you are new and have never done a spell or casting before there is a great amount of anxiety and fear that comes with it.

Your best bet would be to utilize the links on this site, also check out some tutorials on youtube or go to your local library and do some research. Nothing comes easy in life, and neither does casting. You many also find the beginner covens and teaching covens on this site are generally very helpful in guiding individuals on becoming more proficient in their craft. Once you start writing your own spells and casting you will feel a draw towards things. Some like to use the moon phases, others rely on calendar dates, tides and other astrological means. There is no right or wrong. Some don't even feel the need to cast out loud or chant. As long as you feel your connection to your surroundings is strong, your spells will be sent off.

Not all spells work out. Think of it as pulling on the strings of a harp. You are trying to get the vibrations to work in your favor. Sometimes the notes are perfect other times they come out flat. Its all part of nature.

If you are really set on hiring someone, please be sure to research their profile. They should have some references or reviews. Make sure they cast in the area you are seeking help in. Be safe with your money. The world is unfortunately very greedy. It is difficult to trust anyone these days. Also make sure you know the downside to what it is you are looking to have cast. Anything that interferes with free will is best to avoid. When it goes wrong, and often they do, the results are generally the opposite to what you want to have happen.

Be safe and good luck!

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