We Need Help.

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We Need Help.
Post # 1
My boyfriend and I have been thinking about trying to enter anoter world. We've been thinking about this for a while now, realizing that we didn't like the world we currently live in with all its problems. We do not feel safe or secure, especially distrubed by the fact that within our life times, A.I. will take over most work, and humanity will begin to become obselete. The two of us aren't sure we could even handle day to day stress in college, and then in the real world.

So, we have decided to leave it behind. We are currently thinking about going to a video game world such as Pokemon Mystery Dungeon or Animal Crossing. There we could start anew and live our lives surrounded by friendly people who'd truly care about us.

There is one problem though; we have no idea how to do this. Even if we could find multiple methods to do this, we wouldn't understand how we could make them work correctly and not send us somewhere we'd be worse off than if we just stayed here. Before we even try to attempt this, we need to figure out a plan in-case Murphy's Law decides to kick in and screw us over.

If any of you, or someone you know is knowledgeable in subjects like this, please let either me, or my boyfriend Geno_Riolu know.

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Re: We Need Help.
Post # 2
That's probably not possible
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Re: We Need Help.
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3

Sorry, but this is pure fantasy.

You can't live inside a video game world, this is the world we live in and it is what we have to live with, problems and all.

The best you could do is try working with astral projection, but even this won't take you into a fantasy world like Animal Crossing.

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Re: We Need Help.
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
One cannot blame you for your dissatisfaction with this world but these are the cards you have been dealt. Best to learn to play the game rather than throw the cards away. There is no evidence to support the existence of parallel worlds but if they did exist this would be your only alternative. Fictional worlds are just that fictional and as such there is no way to become part of them except through a avatar of yourself as in playing a game or writing yourself into the fiction. You cannot at this point travel to any other wolds physically even if they exist and as these fictional realms you speak of don't it is doubly impossible.

Video games can be deleted, turned off, and even the kid friendly ones are often more dangerous than they first appear especially if they were real so in retrospect would you really be better off if this were possible? This world is far from perfect but it is the world you were born into. Also one shouldn't be quite so adamant about A.I. taking over as of this point because A.I. is far from remotely truly intelligent on its own and is not close to replacing humans on a large scale. Also you are trying to enter a video game world so a desire to escape the A.I. issue seems redundant. We all have issues but think of any fictional world you have heard of and think of this - Are they perfect, devoid of problems, etc...? The answer is no because even in fiction the world is seldom perfect. Life can be stressful but it is your life. Live it and embrace what you can love about it.
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Re: We Need Help.
Post # 5

I think the first mistake you made is sharing this with us.

You are going to receive many beautiful qoutes about how amazing and beautiful this world is and life in general.
And how what you want isn't possible.
Firstly I agree 50% with you.
If you want to go to a different world it can be possible,but if you want to go to a video game,no,I don't agree.
That is not possible because a video game is just a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display.
Astral Projection can be the answer but for further information you can Pm me.
I cannot explain everything here because it would take too long and you may not be interested.
Just now that this may take some time and time may change your mind.

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Re: We Need Help.
Post # 6
We're not trying to live in a video game, more like live in a world that is represented by games in ours. My thinking goes like this: If alternate universe do exist, (which I can't be one hundred percent sure of), and the world in the game is, of course, a fantasy in this world, then in another universe it is real.

It's the idea that these alternative universes are not only created when certain choices are made, but that they just exist, and may follow different rules, or follow different timelines. For exmaple, in another universe the Earth maybe smaller or larger than it is in ours. Likewise, mythical creatures could exist in another universe while they are non-existant in ours.

Why does this matter? Well, suppose there was a universe where Pokemon were real, while in ours they're just video game characters. Then there is another universe where Pokemon never exist in any form, real or fictional.

While I cannot confirm any of this, the slimmest chance any of this could be real gives me the drive to attempt this crazy stunt my boyfriend and I want to pull.
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Re: We Need Help.
Post # 7
Sure. You would need the energy of roughly one billion suns's lifetimes' worth of energy expended per second, to warp space-time enough to access other parallel universes. You would need about a thousand times that to keep that energy expenditure in check.

You would need another roughly thousand years of scientific research to learn how to view and correctly access a parallel universe.
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