
Forums ► Spiritual Creatures ► Lilith
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Post # 1
Hello this thread is about the spirits interpretation on the goddess or queen of demons lilith

Lilith started out as a normal female human who was turned into a succubus by someone named lucifer.
A succubus is a female lilin or night demon
Lilith gained the powers of ressurection during this transformation.
Spirits say the power ressurection can bring to life dead spirits and they also say that is how some spirits return after the death of them.
Lilith is also known among succubi as the word "Mother"
They call her Mother because the believe even though god has promised to kill a number of her children if she gives birth to anymore.
So they call her mother is because she is like their mother.
Spirits say many of her children are victims of her kidnappings of child souls turned into lilin
Lilith is believed to have the power to give demon vessels to souls of man.
Like a outer demonic casing for a astral body.
lilith is also believed to be able to create other succubi by way of her aura.
Spirits say it is a combination of violet and blue aura that creates them.
So that's all the rumors or maybe facts that are interesting about lilith from the spirits of the dead.
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Re: Lilith
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Interesting. So this is the result of your interactions with some spirits which told you this? You might want to make that a bit clearer that this is your interpretation based on your own personal gnosis and not necessarily based on writings about Lilith. But it is still an interesting version of the tales about her.

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Re: Lilith
Post # 3
technically its not my info but the spirits want me to post somethings they usually ask for this after a fit of rage about me not doing something for them I'm pretty sure its all lies because the info came from a demon called azeazel.
so its probably just nonsense.
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Re: Lilith
Post # 4
In Jewish folklore, Lilith appears as Adam's first wife. Interesting is compare it with old Tibet myths about Brag srin mo. See for example Journey to Tibet by Ippolito Desideri. A night demon from Eastern deserts, Wife of a first man and mother of mankind.
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Re: Lilith
Post # 5

Lilith, as stated above, also is said to be Adam's first wife, therefore the first woman.

" Adam's first wife, the female of Leviathan, the wife of Samael the Devil and King Ashmodai, the Queen of Sheba and Zamargad, and is even the consort of God himself while the Shekhina is in exile." - The Book of Lilith ( Barbara Black Koltuv ).

I personally love the story of how She was the moon and Adam the sun and how God made her diminish herself before the sun.

" it is fit and proper that the two light should rule, the greater light by day and the lesser light by night [...] thus the dominion of the day belongs to the male and the dominion of the night to the female. "

As you see, she was always set to diminish herself because she was a female. That's what caused her to revolt and to flee from the garden. She is not one to simply obey in silence.

A free spirit, a symbol of power and independence, a temptress and a seductress, a renegade.

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Re: Lilith
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6

Saying that what you believe a spirit told you to be the truth is what is meant by the term UPG or Unverifiable Personal Gnosis . What you are saying about Lilith ( And about Satan in your other threads .) is truth to you, but it does not make it truth to others. That's why I suggest when you post such things that you start your post by saying " I believe. .."

Personally, in my spiritual path, neither Satan nor Lilith exist, so to me, none of what you have written is fact, merely myth. Others may hold different beliefs. So I would say, " I do not believe Satan exists ." Others might say "I do not believe Satan to be the evil being you portray him as being ." So you might say, "I believe my spirits told me this about Satan." It's important to make such a distinction in order to not confuse fact with belief.

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Re: Lilith
Post # 7

I would have to agree with lark on this I neither believe Satan or Lilith to be real just simply a myth or folklore passed down to implicate fear among people, and there has never been solid proof that they ever where physically apart of the physical realm.

Don't get me wrong, I do love your post and find it very interesting and fascinating and always love hearing other's personal experiences

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