Mentor Needed

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Mentor Needed
Post # 1
I need a mentor if theres anyone kind enough to help me PLEASE
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Re: Mentor Needed
Post # 2
ill help
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Re: Mentor Needed
Post # 3
Hey, don't wait for a mentor to find you, go find him/her yourself. By reading the forum posts you will notice the difference between the amateurs and those more experienced. Go to them with your most crucial problem/obstacle/question.
I did, and with a single reply I was helped tremendously.
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Re: Mentor Needed
Post # 4
Yip, but for people to truly help you do not waste our/their/my time with questions over wordly things like love spells or money spells, most of the more experienced in the craft on this site are on the verge of leaving cause of all the random BS topic people often approach them with, but verity is right, do it right and you will get endless help from most.
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Re: Mentor Needed
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5
well put kao also its good if newbies do a bit of research as a lot dont if ur truely wonting to learn please please please research i cannot stress it enough xx blessed be
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Re: Mentor Needed
Post # 6
try going into an online magick school like or there are tons of them out there, so don't hesitate to look up like, six of them, and find the best one for you.
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