Why did the moth wait?

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Why did the moth wait?
Post # 1
Ok so last night around 11 o'clock to like 12 something there was this moth he was beautiful, but he wasnt flying right and kept hitting the ground pretty damn hard and flying in left circles, anywho i tried to stop him by getting as close as i can without hurting him or really touching him cuz of the fact out oils take away their powder like coating on their wings. Well i was kinda able to help him get flight into the warehouse which i was near ( i was working and was on a lil break when this happened ) and he landed nicely on a crate and i was happy he finally wasnt going to hurt himself anymore but was worried about him beong ok during the rest of the night and then possibly during the day whilst the days workers, work. And well i got here at like 10:30 and eent straight towards where he was, and he was still there, it looked like he wave his little leg at mean and then he did not move after then, i thought he did but it was just my breath. Can someone please help me understand why he decided to wait almost 24 hours to say goodbye to me? And is there any sort of meanong towards this. It made my heart ache when i realized what happened. Please i would really like to understand why he suffered that long.
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Re: Why did the moth wait?
Post # 2

Whether you read some sort of omen into the moth's behavior is your decision and belief to interpret.

As far as its actual behavior, insects have a short lifespan. It sounds like it was either at the end of its natural life when you found it, or it had collided with something which had ended it prematurely. Either way, it's not always a sudden death or instant recovery, if it were going to do so.

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