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Post # 1
I need to send positive healing energy to someone I love in a quick manner and it needs to be ongoing for an extended period of time. I'm not going to go into details, but it's very important that I do this. I know that he is unconscious, but what I do not have is an exact 100% location on him. My aunt told me I can't do this so not to even bother trying. Is she right?
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By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Spell Suggestions from Site Spells Discussion.
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Post # 3
As long as you have a connection with that person, then you can send them energy no matter where they are.
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Post # 4
Sending energy to someone is rather easy as long as you have a strong intention and visualization skills. Beforehand, always meditate and release all negative energy. Then, visualize yourself with the person. If he/she is with you face-to-face, it makes it rather easier. If that is impossible, however, visualize yourself placing your hands on the person. Now, pull energy from the earth by imagining roots grown from your feet to the ground. Visualize Mother Earth giving your roots positive, healing and protective energy and guide the energy to your hands. Place your hands on the desired person and give that energy to him/her. Visualize the energy you are sending healing and protecting the desired person. You may want to chant while you do this, like, "Positive energy is being sent to (Name)." This isn't mandatory, but I believe it helps. After you send the energy, ground the excess energy back to Mother Earth. She will restore the energy and make it into positive energy. Thank her and go on with your merry day.
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