Hello I'm a beginner

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Hello I'm a beginner
Post # 1
Hello everyone. I am new to all of the magick and wiccan ways. But I have been intrigued with it for a long time. I have a rainbow colored pendulum, a basic wiccan book about what wiccan is, and I want to join a coven near my area. My name is Caitlin. I'm 28. I'm engaged. My fiance is wiccan as well. He's 34. His name is Samsun. Honestly I would like to find someone who is knowledgable in wicca to be my mentor and friend. I may be different and sometimes I feel like noone accepts me but other times I feel like this path or journey of wicca will make me a better person. I am interested in staying in the light. And I really like this website as well. It makes me feel like I'm not alone in this world.
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Re: Hello I'm a beginner
Post # 2

Welcome to the community. Theres a lot to learn here and many great minds to learn from. Hope we all can be helpful to you on your path.

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