What if i saved my gass for a week and then lit it? too many what if's, do we need them, rather work with the things we know, how do we know them, by looking inside instead of out and accepting what we find there...and by the way, if i saved my gass and then lit it it would be epic, so there is a fact instead of a question..hehe ;)
Like everyone else said, *IFS* are endless, *What ifs* are even more endless.
"What if living right now isn't really living? Are we in a dream??"
Then we are all dreaming, I would call it more of a nightmare.
"Are we in an abnormally large story book?"
Who would be writing it?
"Is this just someone's imagination?"
If it is then clearly they are lacking creativity.
"What if you're the only person who's really living and everybody else is a robot?"
...........Who made the robots?
"What if we're all aliens?"
Then we would all be aliens, and we would stop calling ourselves humans.
"What if we all held hands and sang?"
There would be a lot of deaf people, with sweaty palms.
"What if there were no diseases in the world?"
There wouldn't be any sick people.
"What if there is life on every planet?"
Then there is life on every planet, and we are not alone.
"What if oxygen was never here and we lived off CO2? "
Then we would breathe in Co 2, and wouldn't need so many trees.
"What if our bodies weren't 2/3 of water, but 2/3 of toxic waste?"
We would all be weird, and wouldn't need to drink as much water.
"What if there was no evil in the world?"
Then everyone would live in peace, and good would be everywhere, and everyone.
"What if eating was never a priority in life?"
Everyone would be skinny, and there would be more cows.
"What if there was only 2 humans on Earth?"
There would be 2 humans, wishing that they were different genders.
"What if AIDS was contageous by being near somebody?"
A lot of people would have it, and they would probably be relocated to an isolated island.
"What if cooties was a fatal disease?"
Everyone would live in a bubble.
"What if we could snap our fingers and random things would appear?"
Then there would be a lot of junk in the world.
"What if people were made out of dough?"
I would bake everyone, and then devour them.
"What if computers were really the world and the universe was virtual?"
I would hate for it to blackout.
"What if there was no common sense in the world?"
Everyone would be senseless.
"What if everybody hated each other?"
They would probably kill themselves.
"What if everybody talked the same language?"
I wouldn't have to take Spanish.
"What if there was a religion that involved killing people?"
.....There is.
"What if you only live 24 hours?"
Then people would literality live by the second.
"What if time was irrelevant?"
I would still be 5 minuets late everywhere I went.
"What if friction was never real?"
We would all have to use tape.
"What if there was no gravity in the world?"
We would have to use more tape .
"What if we're the only living beings in the universe?"
Then there are a lot of dead bodies floating around in space.
"What if our universe is a tiny little spec of dust and our molecules have other universes in them?"
Then I would use a microscope to torment the people inside of them.
"What if we had no mouths?"
We would use our ears to eat with.
"What if we had no eyes?"
Then we wouldn't see with our eyes, and we would use our ears and skin.
"What if we had no lungs?"
We wouldn't be able to breath.
"What if we had nothing on the insides of our body?"
Then we would all truly be empty shells of what humans should be.