SOS: Tech Magick Sigils

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SOS: Tech Magick Sigils
Post # 1

Hi Everyone,

I know I haven't been active in this community for a minute and basically went awol, but I'm needing help with a tech magick related issue.

Basically, I'm curious if there is a way you can make a sigil using HTML coding? Or any other kind of computer code?

Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.

Love you all,


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Re: SOS: Tech Magick Sigils
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Merry Meet

Absolutely. Signals are symbols you create which are powerful to you. If you work Tech Magic and understand script or binary, you could make a signal with it.

Blessed Be.
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Re: SOS: Tech Magick Sigils
By: / Novice
Post # 3
HTML can be used for sigils!. Additionally, using JavaScript can offer a ton of opportunities to create spells with coding. As long as you have the basic skills to create the shapes, anything is fair game. You can even use HTML to hide little affirmations/spells/intentions inside of blog coding, for instance. Furthermore, there are many websites that generate sigils based on input you provide (ie: intention) that you can use if that's something of interest to you.
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Re: SOS: Tech Magick Sigils
Post # 4

Thank you both so much <3

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