
Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► revenge
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Post # 1
my uncle harassed and raped me and now I want him to suffer for what he has done. he has put people against me
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Re: revenge
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I'm terribly sorry you've experienced something like that and I wish you a healthy recovery from it. I completely understand your desire for revenge and am not here to dissuade you, but there are some things to consider if you want to take revenge against him using magic. First, how experienced in magic are you? This will open or close certain options to you. And second, what are you looking for? A curse? Let us know and we can direct you at something more specific, and my mailbox is open if you have any questions or want some other help. I wish you well.
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Re: revenge
Post # 3

As sylvie said, your experience in magic matters when performing revenge curses/hexes.

If you're a beginner, I advise you dont do this yourself, and instead request someone else do it for you.

However, if you want to perform such on your own, it's imortant you ground, shield, and cleanse yourself. Shielding so that no negative forces can get to you, and cleansing after performing it to rid yourself of negative energy.

There are some revenge spells on here. Look for them, and see which one fits your difficulty level the best. Be careful, though.

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Re: revenge
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Merry Meet

I am deeply sorry this happened to you. You have every right to want revenge.

Do you know how to cast spells? Do you know how to work with energy? Do you know how to cleanse and protect yourself? Until you know how to do these things, I would avoid curses since they can be a little tricky. I am not saying do not curse, simply to be wise. I would go with a truth spells, justice spell, stop gossip spell, and finally, the curse. If you need these spells, mail me and I will send them to you. I am not a fan of posting spells for everyone to see as I do not know how skilled they are and therefore how dangerous it could be to share.

If you know how to ground your energy, try gathering all the negative energy into a psi ball, then visualize yourself throwing it at him as hard as you can. I would toss the energy while standing in the general direction of this persons house so you have the physical release. It will build over time, and can cause minor bad luck. It will thankfully remove the negative energy from your body. Instead of sending it back to the earth for it to return to a neutral state, you can use it in a proactive way. I would also work on healing yourself. Cleanse, cast a healing spell, meditate, journal, speak to a therapist, take up exercising to release your energy. Your rage is valid, but do not let that scum poison you any further. Do what you need to heal, but do not let this drag you down into the darkness. You are powerful.

Blessed Be.
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Re: revenge
Post # 5
Here is a spell to help u arch angel Micheal let come back on them times 3 this is my will so mote it be use a black onyx or red stones like red Jasper fire agate Ruby or carnellian
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Re: revenge
Post # 6
Poutchoulli or pine incense also burn dried onion or cloves
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