Hexes and Protection

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Hexes and Protection
Post # 1
How does one know if they've been hexed. Does one ever know who hexed them?

If someone who is very close to you, let's say a co-worker or roommate, and they're not necessarily a witch (to your knowledge) but they are jealous of you and wish ill on you, how would you suggest handling that? This person also has a really bad substance abuse problem, I'm not sure if that lowers a person's power.

I am no longer have to be in the presence of this person, nor do I plan on ever having to see them again. I did a spiritual cleanse, burned a white and a black candle. Not necessarily for her, but a more general spiritual cleanse ritual. I also ordered some black tourmaline for protection.

Would you suggest doing a Return to Sender Spell?
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Re: Hexes and Protection
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Stick with the protective work youve already done.

That is a great help.

Negative energy being directed at you happens to everyone and it sounds like you have a handle on something you know about. Doing general cleanses - protection work should be part of your regular rituals. That is just my opinion, but i think it has paid off for me in the past.

I'll do a visualization of protective light around me, then imagine a sword of light that im passing around myself. Thats my little thing I do. If I know something is coming up (the way you knew) then I'll do a ritual similar to what you did.

Hope this helps
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Re: Hexes and Protection
Post # 3
Helps a lot! Thank you!
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Re: Hexes and Protection
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Spell Suggestions from Misc Topics.
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Re: Hexes and Protection
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Let me see if I can break this down for you.

How do I know if I'm hexed?

While life has ups and downs, if you're hexed, you would feel it mind, body and spirit. Your body will feel like there's a cold coming on, but you never actually wake up sick. You might also feel uneasy/nervous. There's also the typical bad luck that goes with it. [the one time someone cursed me, it felt like a towel was soaking in icy water was thrown on my shoulders/back so you might have felt a sudden sucker-punch of energy]

Can someone hex me unknowingly?

Absolutely. This is why daily shielding and protections are so important. The evil eye is simply someone glaring at you, and through their angry sneer, they're sending negative energy at you. [think about when you enter a room after an argument, you can feel something off. The neutral energy in the room was charged with negative emotion. Anyone can do this, witch or not]

Should I return to sender?

That's up to you, really. I did one [with an extra push] when I was cursed, but that's because I knew who did it, and knew it was intentional [I was being threatened by another witch who swore revenge] But for a jealous acquaintance who sneers at you? Again, your call. I'll admit to cursing someone I have a similar issue with, but it was part of my own cleansing. If you've already cleansed, I would put up shields and try to rise above. If this persons negativity affected you like that, it means they're just that bitter and jealous of you. If you want to take a bit of smug satisfaction knowing no spell will make them suffer any more than they're causing themselves, you can. You could also do a cord-cutting ritual and be done with them, rise above, and become more successful since they're clearly jealous of you.
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Re: Hexes and Protection
Post # 6
You may be cursed if you feel attacked, misdirected or that spiritual light is lacking in your life.

Cast this spiritual spell for your protection.

Imagine that there are three circles of blue light around you, with one of them being around your legs, one of them being around your groin and buttocks, and one of them being around your breasts and upper back. Chant,

“Three times, the circles go around; all the evil goes into the ground."

Source for this spell: Petrarca.

You can cast this Egyptian spell to return a curse to its sender.


“Spit of the wall, vomit of the brick, what comes out of your mouth will be thrown back against yourself."

~The Magician.
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