Positivity spell

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Positivity spell
Post # 1
So hi, I'm new here, and I was wondering if there was any spell to send positivity someone else's way? Not to bring them positive thoughts, but to just kinda push a little positive energy towards them.
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Re: Positivity spell
Post # 2

You can try astrally

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Re: Positivity spell
By: / Novice
Post # 3
You could light a candle and do some energy work to send positivity to your friend, for sure.
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Re: Positivity spell
Post # 4
I've done this with energy balls while meditating. Here's a little guide but feel free to change as much as you want to have something that resonates with you.

Take a few moments to yourself and think of all the things that make you feel happy, positive and energized. While doing this rub your hands together in a circular motion like you are forming a ball and gradually let your hands move away from each other, it might feel weird at first but the more you do it the more in tune you will be. Once you have this overflowing abundance of positive energy think of the person you want to send this to in your mind, maybe even think of fun, happy times with them and when you feel the connection throw your hands and the energy toward them. You will feel a sort of release and sense of accomplishment in you when it's done, at least that's what I feel haha.

I hope this helped give you ideas and that you are able to send this energy to the person you want to receive it. Good luck!
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