Money spell how works?

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Money spell how works?
Post # 1
Hi everyone,

If I do a magic ritual to attract money and I only have a job but I have no investment and no other income, how would the money get to me, in addition to the money I already receive from my job?

Thanks a lot , have a nice day!
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Re: Money spell how works?
Post # 2
As I understand it, spells work on probability. How the money comes to you has to be physically possible. Also, if you're not sure about how you'd like the money to come to you, I would recommend against doing a money spell until you're sure. This is because the spell will try to get that money to you in any way possible, including ways in which you probably don't want to get it. Inheritance from a relative who passes, for example. Directors and limiters are useful here. These help guide your spell and ensure that it does what you want. It's also helpful to define just how much money you want to get in a reasonable amount of time. You may do a money spell and find a penny on the sidewalk or something. It wouldn't be the result you wanted, but it may have worked.
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Re: Money spell how works?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from General Info.
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Re: Money spell how works?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

Well,some ways I can think of right off the mark.

1. You might get a promotion at work that would give you a pay raise.

2. Your employer might let you work overtime that would bring in extra income.

3. You could get a pay bonus from your employer.

4. You could find an opportunity for a new job that pays better than your current one.

There are literally opportunities in plenty by which your money spell might work to gain what you want.

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