Bad Omens Connections

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Bad Omens Connections
Post # 1
Greetings I would like some insight on spiritual creature and animals that are classed as Harbinger Of Death.

Reason why is because I have a very deep connections to them and their energies. During the course of my life I have encounter them on multiple time, where there a two that standout.
1. A Grim/Black dog with red eyes and all(no death, bad luck of misfortune)
2. A Strix few times around where I stay, but close enough to by bedroom widow to sense or notice it presence (no death, bad luck of misfortune in my area that I know of)

And when I sit still to meditate or complicate to decide which Deity to use in my craft, I keep coming back to Deities that help and guide those who passed on the next plane/underworld.

Here is my insight and please feel free to call me nuts.

What it feels like is that are teaching/training me to do the work they do when I move onto the next plane. When I have an encounter the feeling is as follows, 1st they make the presence know, like I am here look at me. 2nd it's like they saying don't react toward me and don't communicate with me. And lastly they saying don't do anything just watch, observe and learn our movements and behaviors

thanks and greeting to all
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Re: Bad Omens Connections
Post # 2

I remember hearing the folklore of the grim. I had probably first heard of it on a paranormal show, as I do watch many of these.

I remember looking into where it had originated. I remember reading many tales connecting it to Scotland, there may be other versions of this in other areas as well.

As for your particular situation I suggest perhaps looking into other possible messages the harbringers are trying to bring you.

I know the feeling well of getting attached to an idea simply because I want something so venhemently to be what I want it to be.

Perhaps there is another reason the harbringers appear to you.

I am not saying what you think is not important or that it holds no relevance.

Of course it does.

I am though suggesting you consider remaining open to possibilities you may not have considered.


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