Should I be worried?

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Should I be worried?
By: / Beginner
Post # 1
Merry meet,
So I always keep a enchanted item(bracelet)for protection and I recharge it every full moon and since its coming up I had a question my bracelet has a charm(3 leave clover) but recently I noticed the charm of the bracelet turned the color red. I found it odd since I have had enchanted items before and it has never happened I was just wondering what it could mean and should I recharge it this full moon, Thanks in advanced
Blessed Be
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Re: Should I be worried?
By: / Novice
Post # 2

It might help to tell us what material the charm is made from; color changes are a common sign of chemical reactions, which can be brought on with time, getting wet, etc.

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Re: Should I be worried?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Certain metals, such as nickel or those with a nickel coating, will change color naturally over time. This is as Bryn said, chemical reactions, normal aging, etc.

Stones can also change color, such as amethyst when, when exposed to heat, water, and UV light.

I honestly wouldn't be too worried about it. It sounds to me like normal chemical reactions.

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Re: Should I be worried?
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
It would be a 3 leave clover beaded bracelet with a metal charm thank you it did come in contact with water it could be its just rusted thanks again
Blessed Be
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