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Post # 1
Hi all

What do you with the offering(food in particular)that was left over after the Honoring ceremony have been completed. This will be for pets, and the locations will be outside. To the offering will be pet food(dog/cat kibble, bird seeds ect.)

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Re: Leftovers
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

I would just leave it where you do your ritual. The essence of the offerings is taken up by the spirits of those you honor. The rest is safe for animals and it is biodegradable so you could just leave it where it is.

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Re: Leftovers
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

As Lark stated, this type of offering can be left in places outside where it is safe to practice and leave offerings. I know many leave them on the altar they constructed or used but you can also scatter this type of offering if you are trying to leave no trace of your practice for other humans to discover. Utilizing naturalareas for practice is common but leaving things behind if you don't have permission to so can be considered dumping or littering. Please use common sense particularly on public lands such as a park or preserve. If you are not comfortable leaving the offeringoutside where you practiced you can remove it and place it elsewhere that it can be used by an animal. If you are doing a spell for a pet I would feed the offering to them as it would be charged with the protection or healing energy you are trying to manifest, as well as the energy from those spirits you asked to aid your spell work

Many Blessing to you,


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