Need some help

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Need some help
Post # 1
When I was a kid I kept having a dream about a symbol, but now 10 years later I had the dream again. I'm feeling disconnected from my emotions and I keep day dreaming about a Cobra moving and I find myself moving along with it. I want to know if this means something or if I'm going insane.
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Re: Need some help
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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Re: Need some help
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Serpents have meaning in several cultures around the world. In Greek and Minoan beliefs the serpent is the messenger of the Earth Goddess because it comes and goes through holes in the ground. It goes beneath the surface to speak with the Earth Mother then returns to the surface to bring her messages to humans. It was common practice to leave out bowls of milk for the house serpent to encourage it to remain

In Minoan religion the snake was the protector of the home. In Greek religion it is associated with both wisdom and fertility.

Alternatively, and my first thought, is that the serpent in your dream is associated with the Hindu concept of the " Kundalini ". Kundalini means " coiled serpent " and it is thought to reside in the Root Chakra . Kundalini energy is the ultimate life-force energy. It is the source of our creative power, spiritual gifts, and divine feminine energy. When your Kundalini " wakens " the energies rise up through the Chakras and help us achieve our highest life goals.

Here's an article about Kundalini Awakening you might find helpful.

Dreams are ways that our subconscious minds deal with things going on in our lives through symbolic means. So in truth, only you can decide what your dream of the cobra means. But you might find that something someone suggests to you rings a bell with you. I would suggest you meditate on the serpent and what it is trying to tell you. Even go so far as to ask it for more information.

Also, look at what is going on in your mundane life for clues as to why the serpent is appearing now. Do you feel threatened and feel the need for protection? Are there unsettled energies at home? Do you feel the need for more connection to the Earth? Are you being drawn to spiritual energies? Any or all of these could lead to your dreams.

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Re: Need some help
Post # 4
You are awesome thank you, I will look into it and try to solve the meaning behind it.
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