Glamour Spells?

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Glamour Spells?
Post # 1

Hello, I want to ask something about a specific type of spell... Glamour spells. I mainly want to know if they are legitimate or not, in the sense of tricking the eyes of other people. I want to possibly make my own glamour spell, but I'm not sure if it counts as an illusion or not. Any advice?

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Re: Glamour Spells?
Post # 2

Some of them work I believe.

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Re: Glamour Spells?
Post # 3

Hello! Yes Glamour spells are a type of Illusion spell. As they manipulate your electromagnetic field to your desire and will. This is from my experience and doing glamour spells as well.

An easy Glamour Spell exercise:

Take 3 deep breaths, Close your eyes if you wish.

Make a Psionic Ball (Energy Ball)

Project Your Intention into the ball

Take the Ball, put it above your head

Let it wash over your whole body like water.

There you have it! You have completed the exercise! Remember, if you want something more permanent, it requires more energy. If you do not practice energy manipulation much, i suggest doing the above exercise daily for 7 days, as well as practicing to solidifyenergy.

Hope this helps and have fun making your own Glamour Spells! :)

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Re: Glamour Spells?
Post # 4

Your Welcome! And if you have any other questions, don't be afraid to ask! :)

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Re: Glamour Spells?
Post # 5
ive been interested in magick and especially aleister crow;ey for years and definatly have a sixth sense and a slight phyci gifts iam only now starting to get deeper into it all ive never cast a spell but i want to go to boleskine house on xmas eve and xmas day is there any spells you would reckonmend to cast to speak to spirits or to just feel energy
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Re: Glamour Spells?
Post # 6

Alexander, there is no reason to try hijacking a thread with a completely different topic. Start a new one in an appropriate section.

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Re: Glamour Spells?
Post # 7
ok sorry i didnt intend to offend anyone no good at internet and forums so like i said i apologies as you choose to just pull me up and not give any advice i guess you dont think its an appropriate thing to do but once again sorry for any offence coursed
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Re: Glamour Spells?
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Merry Meet,

Glamours are indeed real. as Tanzamine said, it is a type of illusion. Glamours are designed to make you look your best to others. Now, what are you expecting when you wish to fool others? You will not physically change, your perception will. If you cast a glamour because you want people to think you are radiantly beautiful, you can. Nothing physically will change about you though. Your energy will convey what you desire. You might walk taller or feel different, and this shift in energy will make others take notice. You can cast glamours to hide things. For example, you could cast a glamour while applying cover-up on a pimple and people will overlook it. You can enchant your make-up, face wash, and other beauty products so that when you use them, it is with the intention to convey a certain energy.

As for alexander83's comment, I would do a little more research on Aleister Crowley before praising the man. There is nothing wrong with reading historic books and Crowley is one of the players in the occult/witchcraft revival. But as a person, he was rather... Problematic... To put it nicely. Granted, most of the big names from that time have their own issues. My point is, there are better members of the Pagan Community you could admire.

Blessed Be.
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