Discarding remains

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Discarding remains
Post # 1
Hi, I’m wondering how should I discard the remains of an egg cleansing spell if I’m not near any cross roads. I was thinking of dehydrating it/turning it into a powder and using it in curses and such. What do you guys think?
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Re: Discarding remains
By: / Novice
Post # 2

Dehydrating it is a great idea. Or if one prefers you can throw it out.

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Re: Discarding remains
Post # 3
@unholyrose thanks! You’re right, and it should be like taking the curse from myself and using it on someone/something else correct?
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Re: Discarding remains
By: / Novice
Post # 4

In theory yes, and I have used a similar method of posting a photo of spellwork on social media letting the following know that I had added another ingredient after posting the spellwork so any whom cast upon my working fail to hit it on the basis that it changed.

What my viewers didn't know is that if they cursed or hexed the item which was not revealed to them, I let it sit with the working for a few days soaking in any energy sent and then turned around and used it in a hex aimed at my own specific target. I placed it where they would step over it.

This method of redirecting a curse or hex and using it for one's own benefit in their own hex work, is an interesting one.

My example above is yet another way of doing it.

Using the egg in a hex powder is also a great method.

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