Samhain Sex Ritual

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Samhain Sex Ritual
Post # 1

I'm looking to perform the sex ritual on Nov 1st in honor of the Morrigan but I'm having a hard time tracking down details. I know the ritual symbolizesMrrigan & Dagda. I know it is used for a great harvest and good crops. But I'm not finding the HOW of the ritual. Symbols, circles, pentagrams, words, acts, ect. I can only find the broad idea of it. Does anyone know anything?

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Re: Samhain Sex Ritual
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Other Paths from Norse Paganism.
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Re: Samhain Sex Ritual
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I believe you might find some usable information by looking up 'the great rite' or 'the grand rite'. It probably isn't exactly what you are looking for as it is from a different 'branch' of witchcraft (I think?), but it is thematically the same and should give you at least some food for thought on the process you want to follow. The trick would just be to tailor the focus to honoring the Morrigan and her consort.
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