non human spirits

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non human spirits
Post # 1
how can you tell if someone or something has a non human or an old/important spirit?
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Re: non human spirits
Post # 2
What's the context of this? In general you should consult divination. In my option as someone who frequently works with "non human spirits", they don't have an ego. Like if someone insults you you probably get a little emotional like angry, yelly, or some kind of instant reaction, where as non human spirits they'll still acknowledge and say something like "I don't appreciate how your speaking to me" but there won't be that kind of "boom" that comes from human emotions. As if non human spirits are truly beyond human behavior. Granted spirits can still get angry it's just not like how a human would get angry. Like you'll know when you see it. But it would be useful to know the context of your question? Like are you asking this because a spirit is talking to you saying it's all powerful and can grant you enteral youth or something like that? In which case most witches would identify that as a "trickster spirit" which are not human but they're thought of as "running into deer in the woods" common but nothing a true witch couldn't guard themselves against, while that interruption is apparently a unpopular opinion as some witches will claim that trickster spirits are not as common as other witches say they are, but at the end of the day we can only draw on our experiences as we walk the path of witchcraft.

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Re: non human spirits
Post # 3
i just got curious i was reading an article on here and it talked about how there are some non-human spirits or idk (im so sorry if that makes me sound ignorant im just starting this) that can pass as humans or animals. and ive read of vampires and things like that but also even in Buddhism there are spirits that will be reincarnated again and again to help people, i mean is there a way to tell if someones like that or has been reincarnated? or for mythical creatures, like dragons or even the deer of Artemis are some of them on a physical world or are most on a spiritual world? thank you for responding to my earlier question! peace
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