Revealing spell

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Revealing spell
Post # 1
Hi, there’s a spell where you put someone’s picture under a lamp to “shed light on them” to reveal themselves to others. I saw this spell but there’s not enough information on it. How many days are you supposed to leave the picture under the lamp and are you supposed to use any herbs or oils on the picture? Any info on this spell would be helpful.
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Re: Revealing spell
Post # 2
Assuming this isn't a fake spell it sounds like it's sympathetic magic for a charismatic spell. That said, it's impossible to know how many days you keep the picture under the lamp as none of us have access to the information of that spell since we don't what your talking about. It could also be a spell to "reveal" the person to others as in to expose their lies, but without any information we have no idea as we only what you wrote to go off of. You mentioned that you saw this spell, was it on this website? Do you have the url? also if the spell doesn't say any other information it very well could have been posted by someone who's "pretending". So no one can give you information on this spell as no one knows which spell your even talking about since we don't have the information, I would suggest you to see if you find the spell again and post with more information so we can better assist you with this.

Thank you

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Re: Revealing spell
Post # 3
You’re absolutely right sorry for not clarifying it’s a spell to reveal someone’s lies, expose them for what they are. I got the spell from a quora post to reveal someone’s true colors I will copy and paste it below.

“It’s perfectly ethical to cast a spell to make their true nature obvious to everyone. I’ve done this a few times, and it has always been effective. It’s perfectly ethical, in my estimation, because you are not interfering with the actual person or their behavior in any way.

The spell I have done is a simple one of “shining the light on them.” With focused intent, I just lay a photograph of the person under a bright light and leave it there.

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