Lemurian Quartz?

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Lemurian Quartz?
Post # 1
My friend and I were recently at a crystal store and he purchased a piece of Lemurian Quartz for me that he noticed caught my eye. After doing some research it seems like there is a myth of a sunken continent surrounding their origins, but what does seem to be real is that they have a natural etched pattern around them (kinda looks like a barcode).

When I placed it in the palm of my hand to check its energy I was met with a strange sensation. I could feel heat oozing through my forearm and up to my elbow and it almost felt like my bone was melting (it wasn't painful though). I asked my friend to try it and he had an identical experience. We also asked his mother, who trained with crystals in East Asia for two years, and she confirmed that there was some power to it, though nothing abnormal. Her methods are also more refined than ours because she cups the crystal between her hands and lets it sway her.

My question is, does anyone here have experience with such quartz? Does the natural etching give it different properties? And have you felt a similar oozing sensation if you've ever held one of these?

Imgur link of pictures: https://imgur.com/a/XQZuZvj
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