Watcher Guardian Mother

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Watcher Guardian Mother
Post # 1
I think you should do a spell were you will be granted four watcher guardian mothers of your choice and desire that they can be any four women you want and that these women can grant you unlimited wishes with their wands and that they will never leave your side and they will appear visible to you and anyone you want them to be visible to they can be the height and weight and body shape you want and they can skinny and fat and fit and muscle and they can also have long hair or short hair and they can be bald but they will your only four watcher guardian mothers and they can be any sexuality you want them to be and they can do anything you want them to do and they will love you so much and show you what love is all about and they will always be around you and you can never be alone and they will be anything you want them to be personality wise
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Re: Watcher Guardian Mother
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Merry Meet,

Forgive me if I misinterpreted your run on sentence, but you seem to have combined multiple real things with misogyny. No offence to you, as I said, your comment is confusing to me for it is difficult to read. However, as I read it, I was torn between those two thoughts in my head, so I will try to break it down.

  • I think you should do a spell were you will be granted four watcher guardian mothers of your choice and desire. We have personal spiritual teams. Every person, Witch or not, has spirits, ancestors, deities and guides watching over us. Some come and go, but we have spirits watching over us. The problem is, most people are unable to comprehend this. You might have Archangel Gabriel watching over you right now, but you have an aversion to angels/Christianity, so you deliberately avoid all signs that point to Archangel Gabriel. The same is true for every faith. A Christian might be divinely protected by Hel, the Norse Goddess of Death, but be so anti-Pagan, they never notice. Our ancestors also watch over us. Have you ever been walking about and suddenly have a vivid memory of a time with your dread loved one? That is them reaching out to say hi. Do you have an amazing ancestor in your family? You can reach out to them for guidance on an issue. Even if you do not like your family, or do not know them, you can call on anyone to be your ancestor. Is there a person you feel drawn to who has passed away? Call on them and treat them like a member of your ancestry. And on the other hand, if there are ancestors you do not like, you can tell them to go away. If there are four maternal spirits you feel drawn to, you can call on them in your Craft.

  • these women can grant you unlimited wishes with their wands. And you lost me. Why do a group of women (mothers) need to give you whatever you want, whenever you want? Even the divine is not going to give you everything you want. Life is balance, good and bad. If you receive only good things, your life will be boring. If you receive only bad, your life will lack meaning. Both are required to truly experience our incarnation. We are spiritual beings living a physical lifetime.

  • they will never leave your side. Create a servitor. They are a part of your spiritual essence that you program to fulfil a task. If you want to design four women to protect over you, you can do that, just be sure you have the energy to create that. Consider create one and then resting before you conjure a second.

  • anyone you want them to be visible to they can be the height and weight and body shape you want and they can skinny and fat and fit and muscle and they can also have long hair or short hair and they can be bald. Again, gluten, why the weird vibes? I understand what you are getting at, but you could have said they would look however you want. Again, servitors. Research Chaos Magik. You can create spiritual beings with Magik. You take your energy and shape it into something. A Thoughtform is the easiest to create. It is essentially a imaginary friend. Once it runs out of energy, it vanishes. You would charge it by interacting with it. Just like an imaginary friend. Did you have an imaginary friend growing up? Congratulations, you created a thoughtform. Servitors are like Meeseeks from Rick and Morty. Do not judge me, I am not a fan of the show, but it is the easiest way to explain them. You design them with a task in mind, they do the task, they go away. You would design them to look and behave however you want. You then create a sigil to activate them with, charge the sigil with their indented purpose in mind, and when you need them, you burn the sigil. They will remain until that purpose has been fulfilled, then vanish.

  • So, in conclusion, you should research Chaos Magik and servitors... Possibly Grammarly. Again, no offence, I do not judge people based on grammar/spelling unless in incredibly rare circumstances. I am merely suggesting a website which could make communication easier.

    Blessed Be.
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