Store Glitch?

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Store Glitch?
By: / Novice
Post # 1


I am unsure if anyone else is having this same glitch. I sometimes browse the online store (but never add anything to my cart or wish list), but I am noticing that random items are being added to my cart & wishlist (sometimes ranging over 100 USD). Thankfully, I do not have any sort of address or payment method attached to my account.

Is anyone else having this issue?

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Re: Store Glitch?
By: / Novice
Post # 2

The glitch is getting worse. This time both my wish list and shopping cart went over 3000 dollars (totally 5000 together) with over 130 items. Nothing was in there yesterday.I did not put any of these items in my cart or wish list.

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Re: Store Glitch?
Post # 3
Are you sure your account hasn't been compromised? Maybe you should change your password?
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Re: Store Glitch?
By: / Novice
Post # 4

Yes, I am sure it hasn't been compromised. There is not a point in a "hacker" just adding random items in my cart and wishlist with no form of payment or address. There is no information to gain. Futhermore, a "hacker" would have access to other things on my computer or change the password on this account & use it for their own benefit.

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Re: Store Glitch?
Post # 5

I haven't noticed any issues.

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Re: Store Glitch?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6

I have notified kts and the Site Administrator and asked them to take a look at it.

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Re: Store Glitch?
Post # 7
@Dylsea , it was just an idea as I'm not sure a glitch would case stuff to be added as if you (as in the plural you) were able to buy something, you know?
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Re: Store Glitch?
By: / Novice
Post # 8

Thank you, Lark. I have noticed today that my shopping cart is back to zero now but two items (totally over 100 dollars) remains in my wish list. I would hate for this to be a glitch and other users have their payment information set up.

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Re: Store Glitch?
Post # 9
Hi, first this wasn't an issue for me but the same thing is happening to me too. I even changed my password, and it's still happening :( I'd like to one day buy something from the SoM website but this glitch is making me a bit weary.
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