Waiting asmodeus instruct

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Waiting asmodeus instruct
Post # 1
My name is Lilly or Emily and I'm here waiting further instructions from asmodeus or to meet others who answered his call
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Re: Waiting asmodeus instruct
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Hmm... I am not a follower of the Goetia really, so my research is limited to short bursts as/whenever the topic comes up. Asmodaeus seems a curious fellow, at once associated with wrath, lust (particularly jealousy), and gambling. An unusual combination at the surface.

I am curious... How did you come to be drawn to Asmodeus, and what sort of instructions are you waiting for? I must admit my curiosity has been piqued
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Re: Waiting asmodeus instruct
Post # 3
Asmodeus, the great king of Hell, is known for his association with passion, lust, and sexuality. If you have answered his call, it suggests that you have an affinity for these energies and energies of desire, power, and transformation. Asmodeus can aid in helping you tap into your inner desires and power, and guide you to finding balance in your life.

Working with him can help you unlock and embrace your innermost desires and passions. He can also help you channel these energies in a constructive manner, so that they do not become destructive or harmful to yourself or others.
As you await further instructions from Asmodeus, take this time to reflect on your own desires and intentions. Consider what it is you hope to achieve through communion with this king of Hell, and be open to the guidance and insight he may offer.
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Re: Waiting asmodeus instruct
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Spiritual Creatures from Introduce Yourself.
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Re: Waiting asmodeus instruct
Post # 5
When did you first hear his call? How did you know that it was he who called to you?
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