Was this Lucid Dreaming?

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Was this Lucid Dreaming?
Post # 1
Honestly I'm not sure where this sort of thing belongs to but I'm in need of help in finding out what the meaning of the dream is and/or if this was me trying to lucid dreaming.

Running out of the hotel complex because the roof was extremely waterlogged to the point where it could collapse and I got out in time. Once I got out of the hotel and outside I stated out loud that I have the power in my dreams to change the weather to whatever I want. Doing so I was able to change it from sunny to rainy many times, during these times people around me in that dream looked at me weirdly.
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Re: Was this Lucid Dreaming?
Post # 2
Merry Meet

So firstly, the signs of this being a lucid dream are there. You having control of the situation and manipulating the weather in your dream makes it a lucid dream. In your dream, you are aware that you are dreaming, however I'm sure you didn't really need confirmation of that.

As to the meaning of your dream, probably you may want to seek answers on the spiritual side, rather than just the physical aspect. Meaning, this lucid dream may probably assist in unraveling some hidden truths about yourself, or deal with hidden fears perhaps. Or just explore more the depths of your subconscious mind. Whichever the case maybe, only you hold the key in decoding your dream and what it means to you.
Keeping a dream journal really helps.
You start to piece together your dreams over a period of time and it will present to you the bigger picture and probably the key you seek.

Blessed Be
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