Good books on magic

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Good books on magic
Post # 1
I have been trying to find some technical resources about spiritual energy and anatomy for a long time and was wondering if anyone knows where I can find some technical information

I’m looking for some dispassionately written information about the dynamics of spiritual energy, such as patterns or algorithms for discerning commonalities with the way directed spiritual energy reacts with matter or is influenced by other energies, and a highly detailed depiction of the energy bodies that shows every known nadis. I would also like to find a really good book on hand magic too. I’ve all but given up on searching the internet for these things.
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Re: Good books on magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Other Spells Discussion.
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Re: Good books on magic
Post # 3
By the way, the most promising books I have found are “Polarity Therapy - Collected Works” by Randolph Stone and “Real Sorcery - Strategies for Powerful Magick” by Jason Miller. But that second book feels too dark for me to want to really read.
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