Any suggestions

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Any suggestions
Post # 1
I've been googling for a spell that will help others see someone for the true person they are not the person that they present to the world. I've googled "to see true nature/true self" "to reveal...." "....real intentions" and any variation of these words. I'm not looking for the right thing I'm sure. Any suggestion for a better search? I can give more info on the situation if needed.
Thanks all.
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Re: Any suggestions
Post # 2
you could make a positive vibration potion
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Re: Any suggestions
Post # 3
No clue what that is. I'm too new to this, sorry. I'll goole it though. Thanks!
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Re: Any suggestions
Post # 4
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Re: Any suggestions
Post # 5
this site is the potion:
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Re: Any suggestions
Post # 6
may i ask the situation
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Re: Any suggestions
Post # 7
Oh! No No! I've misled you. I want people to notice the true nature of someone who is quite a bully to people who are weaker and younger to gain the upper hand. This person is very very horrible. I've been atching her hurt and isolate one person after another for years now and so many people are under the impression that it is just that they themselves can't get along with her but that everyone else loves her. Too many people are afraid of her. It would help many if they realized that she was evil and they weren't crazy (as she makes people feel.) I hope this makes more sense. Sorry for the miscommunication.
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Re: Any suggestions
Post # 8
If you have ever watched "mean girls" this is a grown up expert mean girl. I know my other post sounds melodramatic, I didn't mean for it to sound that way. I really am very sane.
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