Spiritual clening house?

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Spiritual clening house?
Post # 1
A friend told me I needed "Professional spiritual house clearing" done.I have no money but am confident i can do it myself. The other night I sprinkled rosemary water saying "In the name of the father son and wholy spirit I commad all negative entities to leave", and I sudged with rosemary as well.
And later i will repeat it as well as doing a lesser banishing pentagram ritual.
Any one got any other ideas? My son had two demons in him-some say it could have been a jin. He has moved out and we are clearing his room.
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Re: Spiritual clening house?
Post # 2
sprinkle salt on the floor and then vaccum and dump the salt and dust/dirt outside or the trashbin and put it away from the house. Either that or if you have white sage, you could burn white sage throughout the house as well.
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Re: Spiritual clening house?
Post # 3
or just some regular sage would work
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