See sharp again

SpellsBeauty  ► Cure  ► See sharp again
Throw away your glasses or contact lensses. See sharp (again).

Casting Instructions for 'See sharp again'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 0,5 L bottle of water (a not colored bottle).
  • A paper sheet of the color indigo. You can find this in a store where they sell paper items.
  • A light source. For example a desk lamp. The brighter, the better.
  • Optional: scotch tape.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 0,5 L bottle of water (a not colored bottle).
  • A paper sheet of the color indigo. You can find this in a store where they sell paper items.
  • A light source. For example a desk lamp. The brighter, the better.
  • Optional: scotch tape.

This method is called: HydroChromoPathy or color healing. The color indigo is the color that is suited to improve your eyesight. It is also a bit of a narcotic, and is also great for cataracts and, deafness.

What to do is as follows: Put the sheet of indigo paper around the bottle of water. Do this as convenient as you can. You could use tape to hold the paper in it's place, but it's not really necessary. Just put the botlle with the paper under the lamp or the lightsource you use. The side where the bottle is only covered once with the indigo paper, put this on top, exactly under the lamp. If it doesn't work right away, try a few times, you'll get it right. Be handy. The bottle must rest under the lamp for 8 hours.

When the water in the bottle is fully charged with the indigo color, drink half of the bottle of water,and  wait 5 hours, then drink the rest of the water from that bottle. -After- all this, your should see (more) sharp. Better eyesight.

If your sight is not %100 sharp, repeat this the next day. And the second time should be final. You could overexagerate. You could take to much. So do this carefully.

The source of this method is from the author Raymond Buckland, from the book Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft, but written and altered in my own version.


Added to on Jun 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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