Find Out if you are Part Dragon

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Find Out if you are Part Dragon
This spell can help you to discover whether you are part or full dragon.

Casting Instructions for 'Find Out if you are Part Dragon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

I am 98% dragon, and you can find out if you are a part dragon too. Your soul housing tells who you are, and if your mortal or even a werewolf. Now, relax. Take deep breaths. Now, imagine your soul housing. Let your heart choose it. Next is the tricky part. I have made a list for the looks of them and what they mean

  • house=mortal
  • cave= dragon
  • forest with faeries= forest dragon
  • volcano= lava dragon
  • (element) cave=(element) dragon
  • forest with full moon=werewolf


Added to on Feb 11, 2014
Last edited on May 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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What does it mean if all you see is a volcano floating on the clouds of a hurricane

Apr 02, 2019
Nobody is physically part dragon. You could look into otherkin if you feel your spirit is draconic, however. Either way, this spell doesn't seem like it would help. I'd disregard it. If you want to identify as otherkin, you can, but imagining volcanoes isn't going to tell you that.

You are not Dragon! Dragons are astral beings and you are human. No spell will change this fact of reality.

what does it mean if you see a house in the woods with poring rain.

Jun 08, 2019
It means nothing other than you have an active imagination and ability to visualise. We cannot be part anything: dragon, werewolf, or anything else. We are all human and will always be so.

You are human, this spell is superfluous.

With this I've tried it and the only thing I see is a campfire with a super blood moon/ lunar eclipse. And I giant red and black wolf staring at me like its trying to tell Me something and I can't figure out what.

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