Anthropomorphic Pokemon

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Anthropomorphic Pokemon
A simple spell.It triggers pokemon features to grow, but only halfway.

Casting Instructions for 'Anthropomorphic Pokemon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pencil/Pen
  • Symbol for Type
  • Water/100% natural drink
  • Printer (Replacement 4 art skill)
  • Pokeball
  • Bowl or cup
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pencil/Pen
  • Symbol for Type
  • Water/100% natural drink
  • Printer (Replacement 4 art skill)
  • Pokeball
  • Bowl or cup

Pour the drink into the bowl/cup along with the physical symbol for the type. (For Fire, DO NOT use actual fire, just draw a picture of fire or something, and for Water, you don't need to put anything in.)

Hold the bowl/cup and say, "By drinking this, I will become an anthro Pokemon!" and drink half of the drink, then put the other half away or give it to a friend if you are doing it with a friend who's becoming the same Pokemon, but save some if you're doing that.

Draw a picture of your Pokemon. Every detail must be put on. If your art skills are awful, print out a picture of it. Write "Oh, Arceus, please give me a new appearance- allow me to be an anthropomorphic Pokemon. Please make my ability *put the ability here* and my moveset to be *put the moveset here* and please make my level *put level here*. Assuming you are our Lord God, I will bestow my full love and I will follow your every command my whole life and never let go. This is my only wish. Thank you in advance."

After you're finished, fold it up and put it in the Pokeball, of which you can put near where you sleep so Arceus will find it.


Added to on Jul 14, 2015
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Pokemon are not real, physical transformation is not real, therefore this spell is not real.

Feb 27, 2019
I agree

Jun 22, 2019
Where do you people come from! There are so many of you people who say what magic is and does!

Jun 23, 2019
They come from actual study and years of genuine practice, Kingdom. Why are you so angry with people who are trying to help? There are knowledgeable people on the site trying to prevent misinformation from being spread. What's with the insulting and hostile language?

Nov 19, 2019
many don't believe it, but there are things that even science can't explain or is just hard to understand. ever had something odd or unusual happen that you couldn't explain?

Nov 19, 2019
it's not a matter of belief, it's fact. magick doesn't contradict nature, because on the physical plane magick is ruled by nature, so what Tadashi stated is true.

Nov 19, 2019
@WhatIsReal, Science is still expanding its understanding of the universe. Simply because something is hard to comprehend does not mean... Actually, what on earth are you trying to articulate? Something is hard to comprehend therefore anything is possible? I do not understand quantum physics, that does not mean I can do whatever I want. I believe in Real Magic, I have cast a abundance of spells in my lifetime, and while science has yet to discover the natural energy that is Magic, I have felt it, I have used it, and I understand it. So WhatIsReal, as your username suggests, allow me to enlighten you as to what is real, Real Magic does not contradict nature. Humans cannot physically transform, it contradicts natural law, ergo, this does not work.

My brain: Me is confused three out of four comments: this doesn't work.

Dec 10, 2019
Yes,it'll not work because magick cannot break the law of reality which gorvern the physical plane. It'll only make some energy come to u.

Print Spell

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