How to Mentally Shift

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► How to Mentally Shift
How to have a mindset of animal. How to M-shift

Casting Instructions for 'How to Mentally Shift'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
Pick the animal that you feel most connected to, to M-shift into.
First go to a safe place where you can be yourself, then meditate for a bit to clear the mind.

When you are completely relaxed, think of your animal. Imagine you are the animal, and doing things the animal would do. Let go of your human thoughts, DO NOT PANIC! Let your animal mind take over. Be the animal. When you feel the urge to move do not resist.

Be the animal for as long as you want, in this shift you will have the mindset of that animal. Do the things your animal wants to do. If this means howl, chase mice, or anything else, don't hesitate!

When you wish to shift back it is quite easy. Your human thoughts will always be in your subconscious. Pull your human thoughts forward, and Walah! Start thinking like a human again.

I hope you enjoy!

Feel free to message me your experience!


Added to on Aug 27, 2017
Last edited on Mar 17, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Rather basic but this is how it is done. You need to be proficient in deeper forms of meditation, and you may be able to find guided meditations to help you connect with a specific animal, but this is how mental shifting works.

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