Dragon Familiar Spell

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Dragon Familiar Spell
Summon a Dragon familiar

Casting Instructions for 'Dragon Familiar Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Concentration
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Concentration

This isn’t a spell, more like a way to break the barrier between the two worlds.

Close your eyes 

Imagine what it would look like, what powers would it have?

Open your eyes

Imagine the dragon sitting in front of you, imagine it playing around in front of you 

chant the following:

Come to me, oh sweet dragon of my my dreams, come to me. Be my friend, help me find my way through this world and come to me in times of dire need. Come to me, oh sweet dragon of my dreams. 

This should work, and the dragon should appear in front of you. Other people can’t see or hear them, and they can communicate telepathically with you so that you won’t look like a freak when you talk to them in public.

(Some of my dragon familiars are quite rude, you have been warned)


Added to on Nov 30, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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It didn’t work for me

Feb 26, 2019
Of course not, Dragons don't serve humans, you work together. Also don't expect a physical Dragon to appear. Thirdly, familiars historically were seen as creatures that did evil deeds for witches, and today most see them as pets who respond to magickal energy and you are close with. You can train your pet to act like a familiar and you can treat them like one even if they're not [have them join you in circle, meditate with them, observe when they want to play/sleep instead of making them join you in spell casting, feeding them healthy food etc]

This has the potential to make a thoughtform, but it will not give you a dragon familiar.

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