Inner and Outer Beauty

SpellsBeauty  ► Glamour  ► Inner and Outer Beauty
This enhances the inner and outer beauty of the caster. I tried this for the first time exactly one week ago as an experiment and I had two people ask me out on a date.

Casting Instructions for 'Inner and Outer Beauty'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • darkened area
  • small bowl
  • water
  • essential oil
  • pink candle
  • match
  • unscented lotion
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • darkened area
  • small bowl
  • water
  • essential oil
  • pink candle
  • match
  • unscented lotion

Once your space is darkened, fill the bowl with water and light the candle.
Relax your body and place two drops of your oil into the water.
Mix with a spoon or finger for five seconds.
Dip your fingertips into the bowl and begin spreading the water from the bowl on your face as if you were putting lotion on. Avoid the eye area. As you do so, chant this five times:

"Precious beauty from within, let me feel you upon my skin.
Beautiful inside and out, I long to be.
This is my request, so mote it be."

One you are done, rinse with clean water and add your unscented lotion to your face.
I recommend doing this at least once a week.


Added to on Sep 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does this apply to both genders?

Aug 03, 2020
Yes it does

If this is a glamour it might work but you can't change you genes with magic

''Dear God, Precious beauty from within, let me feel you upon my skin. Beautiful inside and out, I long to be. This is my request, so mote it be.''

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