How To Get A Dark Side!

SpellsBeauty  ► Strength  ► How To Get A Dark Side!
This spell will give you a dark side. Beware of the consequences

Casting Instructions for 'How To Get A Dark Side!'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Items that remind you of your dark side
  • Candle (red or black, preferably)
  • Voice
  • Mirror
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Items that remind you of your dark side
  • Candle (red or black, preferably)
  • Voice
  • Mirror


Everyone has a dark side. It hides within us, waiting for the perfect moment to strike... revenge...

But its only those who are special enough to be able to activate their dark side that can see theirs.

Today I will show you how to get a dark side.


First of all, you need to create a character. This character will be your dark side. It can be as insane and strong and vengeful as you want, but remember to be careful. I have a friend who did this spell. Lets just say he's in a straitjacket now...


Get a piece of paper and a pen, any pen, and write about your dark side. Write about their personality, name, skills, appearance, et cetera. Now, their soul is in it's first stage of birth. To make sure that their soul is tied to you and doesn't just haunt you or wander off, add something from you to the piece of paper (eg. Smear your blood on it, tie it with a piece of your hair, etc.)


Now, you need to choose some items and things that remind you of your dark side, including your piece of paper. You should get a candle (Red or black will work well) and create a sort of altar which represents your dark side. This is what will give it life. Existence.


Around midnight, take any item from the altar and hold it to your heart or forehead while standing in front of your mirror. Say this:

"Dear dark side, dear dark side, I know you are there. And no matter who you hurt or you may scare. I'll let you live in me, starting from this night. Awaken when you must, bring terror and fright."


Now, you need to split yourself into two. Every day, spend some time pretending as if you are your dark side. Long enough that you'll forget your other self. Eventually, you'll split into two different people: your bright side and your dark side. And you wont have to pretend anymore.


Added to on Oct 06, 2024
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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