Summon and be in Contact with your Spirit Animal

SpellsFantasy  ► Summon  ► Summon and be in Contact with your Spirit Animal
Your spirit animal is you in spirit form. It represents your personality and personality traits. Many people can share a spirit animal. This will show you how to come in contact with it, and be spiritually active and clean.

Casting Instructions for 'Summon and be in Contact with your Spirit Animal'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Glass plate or bowl
  • 1 Some salt (depending on how big bowl/plate is.It should cover the bottom with a thin layer)
  • 1 REAL small silver charm/jewelry
  • 2 candles
  • 2 small mirrors
  • 1 cup of water
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Glass plate or bowl
  • 1 Some salt (depending on how big bowl/plate is.It should cover the bottom with a thin layer)
  • 1 REAL small silver charm/jewelry
  • 2 candles
  • 2 small mirrors
  • 1 cup of water
Step 1: Know your spirit animal. You can take a quiz or look it up, but usually what you feel in your gut is the most accurate. If you do n't know, here is a good quiz.

Step 2: Know about it. Research the animal for a little bit, maybe 5 minutes.

Step 3: Light the two candles.

Step 4: Take the plate or bowl and fill it with a thin layer of salt. Place the two candles on each side of the bowl or plate, on it's left and right.

Step 5: Make a hole in the middle of the salt about 3 cm. wide and tall. Make 7 even rays in the salt coming out from the circle.

Step 6: Pour the water in the circle, and watch it flow into the rays. Pour until they are full, but don't overflow.

Step 7: Take the charm or jewelry and place it in the center of the circle, which should be filled with water.

Step 8: Place the mirrors next to the candles, so they are closer to the bowl/plate than the candles. They should reflect the image of the charm or jewelry.

Step 9: Say:

Myself is yet failing me
Make it not so, ________ (say your spirit animal)
Show me the right path
Light the way to a better self

Step 10: After saying that, blow out the candles one by one from right to left. The mirror on the right is yourself, and the one on the left is your animal.

Step 11: Ask the question or just talk into the mirror on the left to communicate with the animal. If it responds, it will show you from the right mirror. Don't be pushy. Or else.


Added to on Apr 07, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Your spirit animal is not your spirit form. It is an animal spirit that can help guide you through difficult situations. If you wish to work with spirit animals, there are many ways to do this, from professional aid to solitary ritual. Meditation and divination are two common methods to connect with an animal spirit.

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