Summon Jeff The Killer

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SpellsFantasy  ► Summon  ► Summon Jeff The Killer
This could possibly summon Jeff The Killer,so if you want to summon him give this a shot. (Haven't tried it yet)

Casting Instructions for 'Summon Jeff The Killer'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • NightTime(11PM-12AM)
  • Blood(human or animal)
  • Knife
  • Your voice
  • White candle
  • Lighter
  • Belief
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • NightTime(11PM-12AM)
  • Blood(human or animal)
  • Knife
  • Your voice
  • White candle
  • Lighter
  • Belief
Get the blood put some on the knife, light the white candle, drop a little blood on it. Close your eyes and Chant x2: Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods the scarred teen, Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods bullied and burned,Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods now hes smile child, Jeffery Woods Jeffery Woods Jeffery Woods killed the families,Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods Jeffery Woods now beautiful as ever,Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods make me beautiful like you please.


Added to on May 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Sorry...but i don’t think this will work

Apr 01, 2019
It will not. Jeff the killer is an entirely made up story and doesn't exist.

Oct 17, 2019
Yeah i know, people should stop posting bs spells probably targeting 10 year olds.

Oct 26, 2022
He is real though....? You all just don't pay attention to what's right in front of you...

i believe but we all have our opinions

Oct 16, 2019
Opinions are perspectives on subjective topics. Whether or not this works isn't a matter of opinion. Factually, it does not, because Jeff the Killer is a fictional character and summoning doesn't work like this. In theory, one could create a thoughtform based on him, but that would be a purely spiritual entity and wouldn't literally be him.

while jeff the killer did in fact exsist you cant summon him like this

i just did this spell last night and it worked. but you people, I am really ashamed the way you talk about magic. how do you know anything wont work unless you try it first. Don't you know everything inside the magical realm everything is possible. And things inside the real world are way different the magical realm where you can make the most impossible of things real. yes i tried the spell it worked for me and i met Jeffery the killer.... it worked you epople need to start believing for things to work, and all magic comes the devil and he can make anythng happen he can make anything real he is very powerful being

Jan 06, 2020
i should caution you, roleplaying is against site rules, so if you claim you physically summoned an urban legend, that would fall under roleplaying as it isn't possible with magick [and yes, i do believe in magick, have cast many spells, all of which were successfull] i would also like to note magick is a natural energy, it is not form the devil. you don't need to follow a specific religion or pray to a specific deity to connect with magick or cast spells. magick [on the physical plane] is an energy that brings natural change. you can let it flow naturally, or use spells to direct it on a desired path. regardless, it is ruled by nature on the physical plane and cannot contradict it. if this was the astral, ethereal, or other plane of existence, it would behave differently and your claims of summoning this character might be plausible, but as outlined this doesn't work.

Feb 14, 2020
If it worked I don’t think you’d be alive right now

Nov 20, 2022
Roleplaying is against site rules.

Jun 18, 2023
It is possible to summon him. He is not fake or just an urban legend. The only thing is this isn't the correct way to summon him. I believe the way to summon him is by insulting or comparing him to his brother. I am not roleplaying when I say that I have seen quite a few creepypastas when I was younger. I believe I have been stalked ever since. If you people could just let us believe that he is real that would be great.

Plus who would summons Jeff the killer that’s stupid who’s dumb enough to even think about doing this

Sep 16, 2020
you know Jeff will not kill you if he finds you likeable remember jane?

This is fake and does not work. Jeff the Killer is a modern day Bloody Mary. It is an urban legend. I will go out on a limb and say if enough people believe in him, he could become an egrgore, but this is not how you create or summon one.

I tried this for fun one Halloween. I summoned a vile spirit but no physical guy lol. I allow the spirit to come and go in and out of my home but this isn't the outcome I expected since I was expecting nothing at all.

I tried this once at night and I started feeling really watched and I heard sounds from outside. It might've worked? ⦻

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